Thursday, May 22, 2014

Things to do Visiting Seoul in South Korea

Here's a list of the things you should do if you visit Seoul in South Korea. These suggestions 

are based on our favorites. the activities will give you a good taste or what Korea has to offer.

Our ranking is based on how fun they are and how close to they are to Seoul.

Seoul is the capital of South Korea, while also being its largest city. It is major center for finance

 and culture on the Asian continent. One of the most modern cities of Asia, the capital has a rich 

historical past. The combination of the old and the new make the city one of the most unique 

places in the world. Seoul also has a vibrant nightlife, an aspect not many associate this traditional

 city with.

With as rich a past as Seoul has, the city is bound to have palaces. Tourists will enjoy visiting 

several palaces in this city, the most important of which is Gyeongbok Palace or the Palace of 

Shining Happiness. A huge palace complex, the Gyeongbok Palace seems even more 

overwhelming because of the mountains in its background. This is the oldest and the largest 

palace in the capital city. Avid photographers will delight in capturing its architecture. The official 

residence of South Korea’s President too, is nearby. If you exit from the back gate of the Palace, 

then you shall be able to see the Blue House, the President’s official residence.

Oh, the serenity! A walk along this 5.8-km (3.6-mile) stream is almost as good as a spa for clearing one's mind or rethinking a deal. While it's just off Sejongro, one of the busiest boulevards in Seoul, Cheonggyecheon is remarkably quiet because the stream is more than 15 ft. (4.6 m) below street level and feels a little like a dugout. You can take an organized walkingtour (register online in advance) or stroll alone. It's very serene with small waterfalls, and nearly two dozen overhead bridges. Don't be surprised if you see more couples here than in New York's Central Park.

But if you want to escape the harsher face of the city, and go into something mellow, then you 

should take the river cruise. The river cruise brings to you a whole new face of Seoul. The best 

time to take a cruise is at night. You can hire a boat from the Yeouido Island and sail along the 

city, while enjoying its shimmering lights.

 Alight from the boat and proceed to the Namdaemun 

Market. This market comes alive only at night, and is the perfect place to pick up clothes, Oriental 

spices, and almost anything. Bargaining is the thumb-rule here. From here, you can Insadong, 

where you can taste some authentic Korean cuisine. If you want to avoid the crowds, then you 

can visit Insadong on Sunday too, when the area is closed to cars.

Welcome to Seoul in South Korea *^^*

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